Get inspired: The power is within you

Today, the world is commemorating the International Women’s Day. Therefore, my message today is for women who still do not believe in themselves. Hello young and older women. It has been a long way since women were encouraged, sensitized and empowered about the gender equality aspect, of their lives. Gender equality is not all about women only as viewed by some.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Today, the world is commemorating the International Women’s Day. Therefore, my message today is for women who still do not believe in themselves. Hello young and older women. It has been a long way since women were encouraged, sensitized and empowered about the gender equality aspect, of their lives.

Gender equality is not all about women only as viewed by some. Gender balance or equality, is the participation of both genders in development. Did you know that it all starts with you? Self-esteem is all bout you. If you believe that you can make it, you will definitely make it.

Despite the stereotypes and those negative beliefs which may surround you, you will still go ahead and reach your life’s goals. Many women are abused and suffer silently, even when there are laws to protect them and their rights.

A woman was not created to be harassed and exploited. She is an equal to her male counterparts, with complimentary and supplementary attributes.

There’s a lot of great potential within you dear lady. With the knowledge, skills and talents you have, you can contribute a lot to the political, social and economic progress of the country.
For you who are silently harassed, I would like to inform you that, there’s a law meant to protect you as a Rwandan woman.

Break the silence and speak out on the ills meted onto you or your fellow woman who out of resignation to fate might not have the will to speak out. The law is there to protect and help you live a happy life, a right to every human being. 

Today’s woman may seem privileged as compared to the times of yore. However, to make this International Women’s Day significant, today’s woman should know that it took a lot of courage and self belief for those who fought for the rights they are now enjoying.

Neither man nor woman should think that human rights are a favour, as the word says, they are a right! Speak out where you feel this is not being realised and celebrate the victories already won. The power is within you. Happy International Women’s Day.
