Doing business in the coronavirus lockdown
Thursday, April 09, 2020

Someone rightly said; "Once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, in fact, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in.”

So what is the mind status of the people who are locked down at home? Are they enjoying or constantly thinking about the fixed expenses such as rent, salary, electricity and water bills? 

There are so many other questions boggling minds.

As we continue to fight against the virus spread, I am sure we will come out of this situation soon, but I am also afraid many of us will fall into depression.

But what do we need to do as businesses to emerge from this lockdown when we are strong? 

How do we control our mind and stop it from negative thinking?

Firstly, we have to believe that most of the things are beyond human control and our presence on this earth is only for some specific reason.

The things which we cannot control, we have to accept it gracefully and the way it is.

This pandemic is one of the situations that cannot be controlled by humans. However, there is always a solution to every problem.

The solution to this outbreak also exists, it is just not in front of us yet but we are in a race to find it.

The moment we find it, things will be back on track.

So this is the time to consolidate and not to cry. Staying home is not detaching us from everything but staying home will keep us safe and it is also a part of social responsibility.

For sure, you can use this time to develop your hobby, to strengthen the areas you need to focus on, spend quality time with family, understand children’s education requirements, focus on any chronic health issue and similar areas may need your attention.

I will highlight how to focus on this different area later as this article is dedicated to lockdown and how we can use this time business post locked down improvement.

The year 2020 will be in our minds for many years to come.

Nevertheless, entrepreneurs, small and medium scale businesses are the most affected.

However, I can assure you there is a light within this darkness (lockdown). For sure, it will be difficult but we need to keep the ball rolling. How? Let’s check the possibilities.

As at one point we all start working. So, think about the things that will give a positive impact when business activity resumes.

Marketing through social media platforms

Let your product roll on microblog platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, WhatsApp and similar platforms. Everyone has lots of time to check so use this time to market your product.

Another thing you can do is rank higher on Google. As employees are working from home, they have ample time to work on business content and categories.

Prepare this and give it to SEO experts to rank your business on relevant keywords.

This will give you mileage in the post lockdown era.

Check for the right mobile applications. This is the right time to grab the space and market your product for the long term.

Marketing through email, SMS, TV and Radio

These are the old methods of marketing. Once you are ready with the content of your product or services, send to your contacts at any of the above media platforms, depending on which one gives you the most value.

During the lockdown, people have time and give enough attention to adverts.

Courtesy call

This is the best time to call your contacts and explain your product and services in detail.

Most of them will receive your call and hear all what you will say about your product and services. Don’t miss this opportunity.

Set up your database with mobile number, email id, website with their nature of business and future demands.

This will give you an idea about how to approach them once every one is back in business

The author is a Consultancy Partner at JALI Partners Ltd

Business Accelerators and Management Support

Twitter: @himmanshukap