Focus: Facing pre-school blues!

Many working parents always face a huge dilemma when the time is ripe for their children to start basic education. They are confused on whether or not their children are the right age, size or are emotionally prepared to spend time with strangers and many more kids. Since for every problem there is a solution, pre-schools have provided answers to many of the above problems.

Friday, March 06, 2009
Teachers looking out for children at Little Bears Day Care and Nursery School.

Many working parents always face a huge dilemma when the time is ripe for their children to start basic education. They are confused on whether or not their children are the right age, size or are emotionally prepared to spend time with strangers and many more kids.

Since for every problem there is a solution, pre-schools have provided answers to many of the above problems. By definition pre-schools or nursery schools are studying places for children who are not old enough to attend primary school.

There are a number of factors for parents to carefully consider before enrolling their children in the first school of their life. These factors when well understood will change that nightmarish period before parent’s give-up their children to pre-school.

Bernadette Mumporeze, the Director of Little Bears Montessori Day Care and Nursery School explains the importance of pre- schools and the factors to consider before choosing one.

She said, "Pre-school gives ample time for parents to go to work while entrusting their children with more reliable and professional care takers.”

Mumporeze adds, "Pre-schools are places which help children to socialize in a supervised environment.”

Among the many factors, parents need to consider the accessibility of the school. For convenience purposes, considering the area location of a school is a wise choice.

A parent knowing that their child is safe is so comforting. Trusting a day care or nursery school with your child’s protection is a huge step to take.

According to Mumporenze, the ultimate pre-school is one that provides a safe environment. A place where children have no access to the main road, are not open to the public, the presence of a security guard and most of all have playing grounds and rooms that are free of sharp objects and away from the kitchen. 

Also, cleanliness is another priority and vital necessity for a pre-school. While they maintain maximum cleanliness both in body and environmental hygiene, Mumporenze said it’s inevitable for children to get dirty as they play.

"Though parents complain about their children getting dirty, or getting flu from other children, this on the other hand cannot be avoided due to the social setting of pre-schools. However, the positive side is that the children’s immunity is built as they grow and adapt to circumstances around them,” she explained.

Since parents know their children best; looking out for a pre-school that they feel will suit their child is reasonable. Parents should ask the desired pre-school about the services they have to offer and compare them to whether or not they suit their child’s needs.

For most parents, the age and time factor is quite confusing. However, at their Day Care and Nursery School, the Director said that children as young as one year and eight months and are accommodated.

"Also, depending on the working hours of the parents, children can either spend half or full days at the pre-school. Sometimes, special care up till 8:00pm in the evening is considered for children whose parents have long work meetings,” the Director explained.

A pre- school that will effectively go far in addressing emergency situations and also lay basic grounds for proper child development must be properly run.

This implies that, the teaching must not be left to untrained teachers, thus the need for qualified and experienced teachers and helpers who know how to handle children.

Liz Namara is a Montessori trained teacher who loves and finds satisfaction in her job because she is able to make a difference in the children’s lives.

"Teaching children at a young age makes them feel confident in themselves as they grow to become independent in the way they think and do things,” Namara said.

With all the above factors considered, parents need to know and embrace the advantages that pre-schools have to offer. Most importantly, pre-schools play an important part in preparing a child for further stages of education. 

It is now well known that it is not the knowledge acquired by a child at pre-school level which helps the child to succeed in school, but all the social habits and attitudes which enable them to quickly adapt to school life.

These habits are developed through various activities like playing both outdoor as well as mind games and singing. As a result, children develop skills such as speaking, listening, reading, counting, persistence, concentration, learning to work together as well as co-operating with other children.

In return, these activities ensure that all children have the opportunity to reach their full potential as they grow and prepare to join higher primary education.
