Dear parents, how about we sell responsibility as gold?
Monday, June 10, 2024

As a pastor who spends a lot of time with teenagers, I have come to a profound realisation that as a society, we have not sufficiently conveyed the true essence of responsibility to the younger generation.

It’s disheartening to see many young people viewing responsibility as a burdensome obligation rather than a source of growth and fulfillment.

This misconception likely arises from our focus on the negative consequences of neglecting responsibilities—such as household chores, academic performance, and proper behavior—rather than the inherent beauty, joy, honor, and deep fulfillment that arise from embracing responsibilities.

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Unfortunately, when these misconceptions are challenged by a positive outlook on responsibility, teenagers are forced to have a tainted image of responsibility that is unpleasant.

For that reason, allow me to share some important insights on why we must elevate the perception of responsibility for our teenagers:

Responsibility is the antidote to victimhood

When teenagers realise their power to influence their circumstances, they turn away from their passive position as victims and become active architects of their own lives. Teaching our teens that they can shape their destiny instills a profound sense of empowerment and purpose.

Encourage them to understand that taking responsibility allows them to actively participate in their own narrative and future.

Responsible People are Our Heroes

Our societal heroes are often those who consistently shoulder significant responsibilities.

By highlighting this to our teenagers, we can inspire them to see responsibility as a path to personal excellence and influence. Heroes are not born; they are made through steadfast dedication to their duties and obligations.

Show your teenagers real-life examples of people who have made a difference through their commitment to responsibility.

ALSO READ: Parents must not abdicate their obligation

The World Rewards the Burdens We Shoulder

In life, rewards often correlate with the responsibilities we assume. This principle can motivate our teenagers to embrace their duties, knowing that their efforts will lead to greater personal and professional achievements.

Responsibility, therefore, is not just a duty but a pathway to success and fulfillment. Help your children see that their hard work and diligence will pay off in the long run.

Responsibility Transports Us from the Present to the Future

Fulfilling responsibilities acts as a vehicle that carries us from our present circumstances to our envisioned future. By teaching our teens that each responsibility they undertake is a step toward their aspirations, we encourage them to be proactive and forward-thinking.

Help them understand that today's efforts lay the groundwork for tomorrow's success and that taking responsibility now will open doors to future opportunities.

ALSO READ: World Savings Day: Why teaching children financial responsibility is essential

Responsibility Creates Independence

Teenagers crave independence, and taking full responsibility for their actions and decisions is a critical step towards achieving it. Responsibility is the pathway to true freedom and autonomy.

Show your teenagers that independence is born from the discipline of meeting one's obligations and commitments. Encourage them to take ownership of their actions and decisions, fostering a sense of pride and self-reliance.

As parents and educators, it is our sacred duty to transform the narrative around responsibility from one of burden to one of opportunity and profound growth. By doing so, we can equip our teenagers with the wisdom and tools they need to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Let us work together to present responsibility not as a weight to be borne, but as a vital and empowering element of a meaningful life. Encourage your children to see the beauty, joy, and honor in fulfilling their responsibilities, and watch them flourish into responsible and fulfilled adults.

"Diligent hands rule but laziness ends in forced labor” Proverbs 12:24

The author is a pastor at New Life Bible Church.