My view on the Bashir conundrum

Editor, I read Sunny Ntayombya’s article (Have we sacrificed plain justice at the altar of political independence and legalese?) yesterday with interest.

Friday, March 06, 2009

I read Sunny Ntayombya’s article (Have we sacrificed plain justice at the altar of political independence and legalese?) yesterday with interest.

Making the Sudanese President Bashir accountable to the courts of law is what some African leaders deserve for what they do to their populations.

The Darfur situation is pitiful; they way it has been handled portrays a lot of political incapability on the part of Sudan’s leaders.

Despite the fact that there might be lack of ICC jurisdiction in Bashir’s case, let the arrest warrant be a warning to our incompetent leaders.

Tumwijukye Amza
Kampala, Uganda