Crackdown on weighing scales starts next month

KIGALI - The Rwanda Bureau of Standards (RBS) is about to implement tough measures to deal with dodgy traders who tamper with weighing scales to cheat consumers. Eric Kalamuzi, the RBS Head of the Metrology Unit yesterday revealed that the crackdown will begin next month.

Friday, March 06, 2009

KIGALI - The Rwanda Bureau of Standards (RBS) is about to implement tough measures to deal with dodgy traders who tamper with weighing scales to cheat consumers.

Eric Kalamuzi, the RBS Head of the Metrology Unit yesterday revealed that the crackdown will begin next month.

"Over 200 scales have already been imported and are on sale so every trader should endeavour to buy one before the crackdown begins,” Kalamuzi told The New Times in a phone interview. The new scales are being imported from Kenya and are available in all distribution centres of the country.

Kalamuzi however added that if anyone wanted more information concerning the new scales, information is available through calling the RBS’s toll free line on 3250.

Apparently only a few traders have managed to purchase these scales, however he is optimistic that once the crackdown begins, more of these scales will be purchased to replace those that will not pass metrology tests.  

A mini survey that was carried out by RBS in major city markets last year found that most traders were using adjustable weighing machines.

At Kimironko market, for example, the standards team found only four weighing scales that could pass the metrology tests.

The adjustable weighing machines are to be banned.
RBS is responsible for regulating and controlling standards, quality assurance and metrology in the country. So far, verification of all fuel dispensers has already been done.

"I can assure you that countrywide, the fuel sector has been verified and as a result we are not receiving any more complaints from fuel consumers. Since fuel dispensers should be calibrated every six months, the second phase of calibration is also set to begin this month as well,” he added.

With an aim of providing a strong linkage to the international standardisation system, RBS now has got laboratories for testing volumes, temperature, electricity and dimensions among others.
