Media can fail peace building

Media always receive all kinds of accusations whenever there is a crisis in any country. For example in Kenya, the media was accused of fuelling the post elections tribal clashes through their reports. The media should re-examine their language in a crisis since they can easily build or destroy a nation.  

Thursday, March 05, 2009

Media always receive all kinds of accusations whenever there is a crisis in any country. For example in Kenya, the media was accused of fuelling the post elections tribal clashes through their reports. The media should re-examine their language in a crisis since they can easily build or destroy a nation.  

Peace journalism is a new dimension of the professional discipline expanding the horizons of journalism from the limiting 5Ws and the H model to include the C for conflict resolution.

Media has a transformative power and formative influences that can build a culture of peace in society in as much as they can plant and spread a culture of violence.

When conflicts erupt in a country, peace journalism assumes two approaches in reporting conflicts whereby a reporter will do investigative reporting which not only is an indicator of press freedom in a society but also encourages active use of freedom of the press in a responsible manner.

The other approach is where the journalist is a crusader in the cause for truth and includes advocacy usually in support of the powerless such as children in conflict situations.

During conflicts the media, non-governmental organizations and the government should work together. It would be unfortunate if any government and the media were not in good terms because often the government’s sensitivity to the media’s significance and the influence of the media publicity is heightened.

Experts advised the present journalists not to look for juicy selling headlines and news but they should appreciate that conflict victims depend on the media for news that may be vital for survival and for important messages from the government and peace workers.

Responsible media all over the world have accepted the need to withhold information that might provoke troublesome reaction and that media coverage can also increase the intensity and duration of conflicts.

If the media do not provide coverage, they can be accused of infringing on the public’s right to know and this sometimes allows the spread of rumours that may be more inciting than judicious reporting of on going events.

The media should avoid inflammatory details and language in reports and avoid exaggerated language or unconfirmed reports on violence.

Many journalists also blame the Government where in but it is always good to understand the restrictions first because most media houses are only interested in making headlines not considering first what it would do for a nation.

Unconfirmed and careless reporting can bring unrest to nations. It is remarkable, some Media houses practice hate speech either, out of malice but others it is merely ignorance, which makes the same difference. The media has to work more responsibly if it is to create peaceful societies.
