10 projects secure Rwf43bn green finance to execute Paris Agreement
Monday, June 10, 2024
A flooded maize plantation in Nyabugogo wetland. The Nyabugogo Wetland Restoration Initiative was submitted by the Rwanda Environment Management Authority. Sam Ngenda

Rwanda Green fund has approved Rwf43.6 billion funding for public institutions’ projects under Intego - Rwanda's NDC Facility to support the implementation of the country’s Rwanda's climate action Plan, also known as Nationally Determined Contributions under the Paris Agreement.

ALSO READ: Rwanda unveils $11bn climate action plan for Paris Agreement execution

In February 2023, the Rwanda Green Fund launched a financing scheme to contribute to achieving the country's ambitious climate action goals.

The investments selected are designed to bolster Rwanda's climate resilience and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, and include interventions across all provinces of the country.

Below are the approved investments that align with Rwanda's Climate action Plan’s adaptation and mitigation priority areas namely landscape restoration and forestry, climate resilient infrastructure, wetland Rehabilitation, biodiversity conservation, renewable energy and energy efficiency.

1. Rwf4.3 billion in Nyamagabe

The Resilient Nyamagabe project, in landscape restoration and forestry, is a climate-smart initiative that was submitted by Nyamagabe District, an erosion-prone district in the Southern Province.

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This investment will boost community climate resilience through erosion control, increased tree and agroforestry cover, cleaner cooking solutions, and enhanced livelihood opportunities.

The value of this investment is Rwf4.3 billion.

2. Rwf4.6 billion in Nyaruguru

Akanyaru Sub-catchment Rehabilitation project will restore forests and landscapes across the Akanyaru sub-catchment in Nyarugun District.

It will rehabilitate the catchment through effective erosion control, increased tree and agroforestry cover, riverbank protection, cleaner cooking solutions, and enhanced livelihood opportunities.

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The value of this Investment is Rwf4.6 billion.

3. Rwf3.9 billion in Nyamasheke

Empowering Nyamasheka's Vulnerable Communities project will enhance the adaptive capacity of communities vulnerable to climate risks in Nyamasheke District.

It will rehabilitate the Kanindura sub-catchment through increased tree and agroforestry cover, riverbank protection, erosion control, cleaner cooking solutions, and enhanced livelihood opportunities.

The value of this investment is Rwf3.9 billion.

4. Rwf4.3 billion in Karongi

Nyabahanga Sub-Catchment Rehabilitation project will enhance livelihoods by protecting the catchment against erosion, increased tree and agroforestry cover, river bank protection, promoting fish farming in Lake Kivu, and enhanced livelihood opportunities in Karongi District.

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The value of this investment is Rwf4.3 billion.

5. Rwf4.4 billion in Rulindo

The Rehabilitating Landscapes and Building Resilience project will restore landscapes and increase the climate resilience of communities in the Base Catchment in Rulindo District through erosion control, increased tree and agroforestry cover, riverbank protection and cleaner cooking solutions.

The value of this investment is Rwf4.4 billion.

6. Rwf4.5 billion in Nyagatare

Muvumba Resilience Community-Led Adaptation Initiative will build community resilience and adaptation through participatory and ecosystem-based catchment restoration.

This will also contribute to the protection of the Muvumba Multi-Purpose dam.

This proposal was submitted by the Rwanda Water Resources Board and Nyagatare District.

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The value of this investment is Rwf4.5 billion.

7. Rwf4.9 billion for climate resilient schools

Climate Resilient Schools Initiative will enhance climate resilience in schools located in the Western Province by building retaining walls in schools, providing access to clean water and increasing tree and agroforestry cover.

This proposal was submitted by the Ministry of Education and the value of the investment is Rwf4.9 billion.

8. Rwf5 billion for wetland rehabilitation

The Nyabugogo Wetland Restoration Initiative was submitted by the Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) and will enhance the wetland's carbon capture and storage capacity, thereby contributing to climate resilience and adaptation efforts.

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The value of this investment is Rwf5 billion.

9. Rwf3.2 billion for renewable energy and energy efficiency

The Greening TVET School project will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and improve water access in public technical schools across the Eastern Province by equipping them with solar-assisted multi-fuel cooking stoves and installing rainwater harvesting systems.

This proposal was submitted by Rwanda Polytechnic and the Rwanda TVET Board and the value of this investment is Rwf3.2 billion.

10. Rwf4 billion for National Police solar and LPG in cooking

Accelerating Low-Carbon Transformation project will transform the Rwanda National Police into a green and low carbon energy consumption.

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This investment will replace biomass energy with solar and LPG in cooking, resulting in a substantial reduction of CO2 emissions annually, and will enable the RNP to restore degraded land in and around police stations.

The value of this investment is Rwf4 billion.