Nyabihu cooperative to boost potato production

A farmers’ cooperative in Nyabihu district, Western Province is planning to increase potato production from 806 tonnes to 1,210 tonnes.

Thursday, March 05, 2009

A farmers’ cooperative in Nyabihu district, Western Province is planning to increase potato production from 806 tonnes to 1,210 tonnes.

The grant worth $92,000 equivalent to Rwf52m is to fund the expansion of potato production for a larger market and will see an increase of 33 percent within 18 months.

The grant agreement signed with the United States African Development Foundation (USADF) is to support economic development in Rwanda, according to a press statement from USADF.

This follows Coopérative des Agriculteurs de la Culture de Pomme de Terre de Karago ‘s hiring of a technical assistant to develop a five year business plan.

The grant  will help farmers to acquire training and a stock of new seed varieties, fertilizer, fungicides, hoes and packaging materials.

It will also aquire a better storage facility. The cooperative will benefit more than 363 people with 71 percent women who are widows.

"By directly funding this cooperative, USADF is promoting economic development at the grassroots level in Rwanda in an effort to create jobs and secure a higher quality of life for members,” USADF President Lloyd Pierson stated.

USADF re-established programming in Rwanda in 2004.
The current portfolio includes 17 projects totalling $2.7m.

Some of the projects funded by USADF include, Rwanda Women Network (RWN), Rubilizi Dairy, Rwanda Small Holder Specialty Coffee Company, Gahaya Links, Ikirezi Natural Products and Kigali Cement Company Limited.

The funds are used to strengthen the organizational structure, training services, financial management, business planning and marketing activities.

The are also used to improve quality and production procedures, provide technical assistance and monitoring.
