PHOTOS: First Lady urges Green Hills Academy graduates to contribute to their country’s development
Saturday, June 08, 2024
First Lady Jeannette Kagame addresses graduates during the 2024 Indatwabigwi graduation ceremony of Green Hills Academy on Saturday, June 8. Photos by Olivier Mugwiza

First Lady Jeannette Kagame on June 8 offered inspiring guidance to 112 graduates of Green Hills Academy, advising them on what to consider as they embark on their new journey after completing high school.

The graduation of the 2024 class, the largest cohort so far, took place at Kigali Conference and Exhibition Village (KCEV), and attracted hundreds of parents, guardians, officials, and students.

ALSO READ: Green Hills Academy students on why genocide commemoration is important

The First Lady said, "We are overjoyed for you, we were once your age...believe it or not. We remember the excitement, the ambition, the desire for growth and adventure of your dynamic years. Your bright faces should confuse no one as to your capabilities. Many of you are wise beyond your years, I hear.”

ALSO READ: First Lady Jeannette Kagame presides over Green Hills Academy&039;s Indatwabigwi graduation ceremony

The First Lady encouraged the graduates to use their innovative ideas and mobilize themselves to contribute to the development of their country, which remains ever proud of them. She urged them to always be accountable to themselves and emphasized the importance of making the right choices, as their capacity for good judgment is certain.

"Protect your mental health with healthy practices. Communicate as soon as you sense that you may need help or simply love. Remember that some temptations you encounter will not be worth their unforgiving aftermaths. As you go off into a world that can be exploitative of your youth, be careful of your associations. Surround yourselves with people that elevate you, rather than pull you down. Use social media, do not let social media use you,” she added.

First Lady poses for a group photo with graduates at the event

She also urged them to live in the moment but not let the present moment compromise the more rewarding ones that life can offer, and emphasized the importance of choosing friends wisely, the kind of friends they would want their own children to one day call family.

"Listen to your inner voice of wisdom, listen to your own family, and listen to the community that has your best interests at heart. It is one of the best investments you will ever make....and never was a fruitful investment ever regretted,” she stated.

She further emphasized the graduates' role in bettering the global community, acknowledging the privilege of quality education and the responsibility to use it for the common good. She commended everyone who made their journey possible, including educators, parents, and everyone who believed in the GHA mission.

"As they say, ‘It’s only uphill from here.’ But as Rwandans are best placed to know, walking uphill does take stamina and determination to reach the top. Despite your talent, your brilliance, your exposure, which have allowed you all to shine as bright as you do today, never undermine the importance of consistency, discipline, and hard work in your future education and endeavors. Remember that tertiary education is a level playing field; a place where brightness will only get you so far, while hard work will make all the difference.”

First Lady Jeannette Kagame cuts cake with graduates at the 2024 Indatwabigwi graduation ceremony of Green Hills Academy on Saturday, June 8.

The head of the school, Daniel Hollinger, expressed gratitude to the faculty and staff for their dedication and talent in guiding the learners to high school completion.

He acknowledged the graduates’ resilience and determination in overcoming obstacles and highlighted the significance of the International Baccalaureate (IB) program in preparing them to be knowledgeable thinkers, communicators, and principled individuals.

Prime Minister Edouard Ngirente, speaking on behalf of the parents, celebrated the graduates' hard work, dedication, and determination. He also shared words of encouragement, emphasizing the importance of trusting in their abilities, dreaming big, and being open to life's unexpected moments. He drew inspiration from Rwanda's history, encouraging the graduates to take risks and think big, just as the nation did after the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi.

"Never underestimate the power of the community. We can use compassion, and our ability to understand and support others. Your greatest assets are bridges, not walls, and always strive to make a positive impact on the lives of those around you,” he added.

Ngirente also urged the graduates to maintain the good relationships they formed at Green Hills Academy, highlighting the role of friends, educators, and mentors in their success. He assured them that their parents would always be there to offer guidance and support as they start a new journey.

Parents and delegates during the 2024 Indatwabigwi graduation ceremony of Green Hills Academy at Kigali Conference and Exhibition Village (KCEV) on Saturday, June 8. Photos by Olivier Mugwiza
Prime Minister Edouard Ngirente interacts with a delegate at the graduation ceremony
Students using music instruments during their performance at the event
The 2024 class has 112 graduates
The 2024 Indatwabigwi graduation ceremony of Green Hills Academy held at Kigali Conference and Exhibition Village (KCEV) on Saturday, June 8. Photos by Olivier Mugwiza
The 2024 Indatwabigwi graduation ceremony of Green Hills Academy took place at Kigali Conference and Exhibition Village (KCEV) on Saturday, June 8. Photos by Olivier Mugwiza