Wheat farmers advised to plant early

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI — Wheat farmers in the Gicumbi district have been advised to take advantage of the current rain season in order to plant more seeds.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


GICUMBI — Wheat farmers in the Gicumbi district have been advised to take advantage of the current rain season in order to plant more seeds.

The call was made in a meeting that brought together Sector Executive Secretaries, agronomists and representatives of farmers’ cooperatives on Tuesday, at the district conference hall. 

Addressing participants, Mayor Bonane Nyangezi criticised sector leaders and agronomists who fail to mobilise residents to plant crops on time.

"Some of you don’t advise farmers to plant wheat at the beginning of rainy seasons, thereby resulting in low yield of the crop,” he said.

Participants said farmers in the Sectors of Bukure, Giti, Rwamiko, and Muko last year reaped low yields of wheat due to late planting.

"Some wheat farmers are reluctant to grow wheat after realising the loss incurred last year,” said one participant.

Members at the meeting further resolved to mobilise farmers to use modern production techniques by applying fertilisers and growing crops which are favoured by the local climatic conditions.
