Residents receive RDF soldiers

NORTHERN PROVINCE GICUMBI — Excited residents of Rukomo, Kageyo and Byumba Sectors in the Gicumbi district on Tuesday lined up along Rukomo- Byumba road to receive Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF) soldiers who participated in the joint Congo-Rwanda operation, against FDLR rebels in DR Congo.

Wednesday, March 04, 2009


GICUMBI — Excited residents of Rukomo, Kageyo and Byumba Sectors in the Gicumbi district on Tuesday lined up along Rukomo- Byumba road to receive Rwanda Defence Forces (RDF) soldiers who participated in the joint Congo-Rwanda operation, against FDLR rebels in DR Congo.

The soldiers of the 307 Battalion marched on foot from Rukomo trading centre to their Barracks in Byumba town. They were received by the RDF 408 Brigade Commander Brig. Gen. Eric Murokore, and the Mayor Bonane Nyangezi.

"The 307 RDF Battalion that participated in the Umoja Wetu (Our Unity) operation have accomplished their mission and are now to return to their respective posts,” said Murokore.
The Mayor hailed the soldiers for what he described as a heroic act to liberate Africa from insurgency groups.

"Rwandans shall continue their struggle against any insurgency groups, which are bent on violating human rights and causing insecurity to Rwandans wherever they may be based,” he said. The RDF soldiers returned to the country last week.
