Take responsibility for Africa’s future, Kagame tells ALU graduates
Friday, June 07, 2024
Kagame, who was honoured by ALU with the Award of Merit for Exemplary Entrepreneurial Leadership, speaks at the gradution ceremony at the ALU campus at Masoro, Kigali, on Friday, June 7.

President Paul Kagame has urged graduates from the Kigali-based African Leadership University (ALU) campus to assume responsibility for Africa's future.

Kagame, who was earlier Friday honoured by the ALU leadership for his support toward education, exemplary leadership, and Rwanda&039;s transformation, was speaking at the the 2024 ALU graduation ceremony.

Up to 400 students from 32 African countries were conferred degrees of Bachelor of Arts (BA) in International Business and Trade, BA in Global Challenges, BA in Entrepreneurship, and BA in Computer Science.

WATCH: Kagame receives Exemplary Entrepreneurial Leadership Award

ALSO READ: ALU founder urges youth to ‘think big, do hard things

"Today, you reap the rewards of all your hard work. Be proud of everything you have accomplished; you deserve it,” Kagame told the graduates.

the President said the elite leadership school provided skills needed for its students to go on and lead Africa’s transformation.

"This one-of-a-kind institution is a reminder to all of us that in Africa we have the means to solve our problems,” he said.

"The uncomfortable truth is that we rely too much on others to tell us what to do and more often than we pay a hefty price as a consequence. We need to take responsibility for what belongs to us and have a sense of urgency in doing so.

It all begins with how we teach our children and shape their mindset and a sense of ownership of Africa’s future. ALU is a trailblazer because it has invested in building a generation of critical thinkers and innovators here on our continent.”

ALSO READ: Inside ALU Rwanda's new Rwf 14 billion campus

The President told the graduates that no matter the career path they choose, the "journey will be long and full of unexpected twists and turns.”

"My advice to you is not to let life’s obstacles change who you are or cause you to give up. Never give up. Be kind and always treat others with respect the way you wish them to treat you,” he noted.

"Here in Rwanda, we had to learn the hard way. There was no case study for how to recover from genocide. We had to take matters into our own hands. The results did not come immediately and in fact they never do.”

Kagame told the students who aspire to become entrepreneurs to keep trying and find solutions.

"Always try and fail, but never fail to try,” he said.

"You always have to be ready to adapt and to innovate. What matters at the end of the day is that you believe in yourself and be consistent. With perseverance and hard work, you will achieve whatever you want in life. The best lies ahead.


The ALU founder Fred Swaniker recognised President Kagame’s support to the school from the inception and construction of the Kigali campus to its operations.

Joined by ALU Vice Chancellor Nhlanhla Tshwala, Swaniker presented the President with the Award of Merit for Exemplary Entrepreneurial Leadership, in recognition of his support to the elite school, spearheading Rwanda's transformation in all sectors and his contribution to Africa's development.

To the graduates, Swaniker said they should lead the changes that will transform Africa into a prosperous continent.

"As you leave this institution, I hope you are thinking about big challenges: healthcare, governance, climate change, job creation, infrastructure. How are we going to improve agriculture, empower women in Africa?” he said, adding that they would need to be life-long students to be able to tackle the ever-changing world.