Clean and healthy teeth

Most children love eating sugary foods like sweets, cookies and cakes. Eating sweet things is not bad however, if you eat too much it becomes bad.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Most children love eating sugary foods like sweets, cookies and cakes. Eating sweet things is not bad however, if you eat too much it becomes bad.

I wonder why this is so. So one day I asked a doctor Alphonsine Mukandori of CHK (Central Hospital of Kigali) about the dangers of eating sweet things.

She said "Eating sugary foods can be harmful to our health, especially for children because they damage their growing teeth.”

She also said that children should always brush their teeth with toothpaste. There after they should spit it out and thoroughly rinse their mouth.

The doctor advised that children should always brush their teeth after every meal.
