Private sector to invest in water projects

SOUTHERN PROVINCE MUHANGA – Members of the Private Sector Federation, in  Muhanga district , have committed themselves to invest in water projects in order to increase access to clean water.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009


MUHANGA – Members of the Private Sector Federation, in  Muhanga district , have committed themselves to invest in water projects in order to increase access to clean water.

The decision was reached during a district meeting held on February 28 at St. Andre Kagbayi. The meeting was called to assess the status of clean water supply in Muhanga.

It brought together various water experts, local and international water conservation groups and officials of the Ministry of Infrastructure.

It resolved that there must be direct involvement of residents, while employing overseers expertise in order to tackle current issues of shortage of clean water in the district.

Innocent Rwakazina, an official of the Ministry of Infrastructure, said that the water shortage is compounded by a supply chain that is outstripped by the population growth rate.

He urged district officials to take responsibility of mobilising residents to maintain and safe guard available water sources. He informed the meeting of the need for public-private partnerships to provide potable water to residents.
