Rwanda/DRC sign joint operation final report

Last four RDF liaison officers return home from DRC WESTERN PROVINCE GOMA- Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) yesterday signed a final report of the just concluded joint military offensive against rebels of the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) in eastern DRC. The report which included details of the recent operation was signed in Goma by General John Numbi who represented FARDC while Brig.Gen. Jerome Ngendahimana signed on behalf of the RDF.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009
Chief of Defence Staff, Gen James Kabarebe, peruses through the final report. Looking on is Army Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Charles Kayonga (C) and Maj. Gen Caesar Kayizari. (Photo /M. Tindiwensi)

Last four RDF liaison officers return home from DRC


GOMA- Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) yesterday signed a final report of the just concluded joint military offensive against rebels of the Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) in eastern DRC.

The report which included details of the recent operation was signed in Goma by General John Numbi who represented FARDC while Brig.Gen. Jerome Ngendahimana signed on behalf of the RDF.

Gen.Numbi said the operation was a success and thanked the Rwandan government for intervening in efforts to restore peace in the region.

"We are signing this report before all of you as witnesses of our great achievements. The report included details of all the operation and the captured territories which were formally controlled by FDLR.

It also indicates how FDLR soldiers are continuously returning home. Rwandan participation has helped us achieved a lot in such a short time. We had never registered such success as regards the destruction of FDLR structure” he said.

Numbi added that all Rwandan troops that were in DRC have already returned home and that FARDC will continue with the operation to restore peace in the region.

"Today we are also witnessing the return of the four RDF liason soldiers who had stayed in Goma to help us compile the report, these were the only remaining Rwandan troops on our territories and they are officially returning to Rwanda today” he said.

Asked if DRC troops will manage to deal with the remaining big numbers of FDRL in the region, General Numbi said that the government troops will do everything possible to see that peace is restored in the region.

"RDF has helped us to get a starting point and a foundation. The FARDC will continue the work that the joint forces have started, "he said, adding that” The success achieved in such a short time is an indicator that unity is a pillar and a foundation to success” he explained

"We are all tired of FDRL. Even resident are tired and want them to return back to Rwanda” he explained.

Asked why RDF had left DRC territory yet there were still a big number of negative forces in the region, RDF’s Brigadier General Jerome Ngendahimana said that Rwanda’s participation was a political motivated.

"As an army officer, I have no comment on that because our operation was based on a political decision by the two governments. Our future plans as far as the forceful disarmament of FDRL is concerned can be determined by both Heads of States” he told reporters

The Chief of General Staff Gen. James Kabarebe received the last group of RDF soldiers from DRC territory who also presented to him with a copy of the report denied reports.

He denied reports by BBC that FDRL had retaken most of the captured territories.

"I don’t think it’s true because I haven’t received any reports from my DRC counterpart. I think I should have known it by now if the allegations were true” he said.
