Embezzling public funds, should go with bankruptcy as punishment

Editor,I have been following closely stories of people who embezzle public funds, but it seems the only punishment they get is imprisonment.

Tuesday, March 03, 2009

I have been following closely stories of people who embezzle public funds, but it seems the only punishment they get is imprisonment.

If my observation is correct, I am afraid we are not doing much to punish the culprits.

Whoever is proved beyond doubt to have embezzled public money, should on top of going to jail, be declared bankrupt.

It is on record that some of the culprits steal money and invest it in Rwanda while others do it outside the country.

This kind of investment in property or banks should be traced so that there is recovery of some money the embezzlers took.

It sounds so illogical, to put some body behind bars for five years, and then give him or her a chance to enjoy the money, he or she stole after the end of the term.