Daughters held for murdering father

WESTERN PROVINCE KARONGI — Bwishyura police in the Karongi District, are holding two girls for allegedly murdering their father.

Sunday, March 01, 2009


KARONGI — Bwishyura police in the Karongi District, are holding two girls for allegedly murdering their father.

Domitila Uwimana, 28, and Justine Ukobucyeye, 34, both residents of Gashari Sector, allegedly killed their father on the evening of Monday, the 23rd.

Police confirmed the arrest on Friday, saying the body of the late Dismas Habimana, the suspects’ father was found near his home with several deep cuts on it.

‘We arrived at the scene after being tipped off by a local leader,’ Justin Kaboyi, a police official said in an interview.

Residents in the area alleged that the suspects could have killed the old man due to a long standing land wrangle.

‘They (girls) have been harassing their father for so long over land,’ one witness at the police post said.

This was to be later confirmed in a separate interview, both sisters Uwimana and Ukobucyeye admitted to killing their father and asked for forgiveness.

They claimed that their father had for long been harassing them over a land dispute.

‘The trouble began immediately after our father poisoned our brother. When we realised he was hospitalised, we hit him (Habimana) using a club and died,’ they said.
