That ‘Perfect Hot Job’ for today’s woman

When ‘Rosie the Riveter’ during the World War II decided to take up a bomber-building job at the Willow Run Aircraft factory in the United States, she did not realise that she would be an inspiration to many.

Sunday, March 01, 2009
A woman welding her way through metal.

When ‘Rosie the Riveter’ during the World War II decided to take up a bomber-building job at the Willow Run Aircraft factory in the United States, she did not realise that she would be an inspiration to many.

To cut a long story short, this feminist icon, convinced six million women that they had a patriotic duty to enter the industrial workforce and step in for the men who had gone off to fight the war.

Unfortunately, most of these women were discharged after the war and their jobs given to returning servicemen.

As bad as this sounds, a generational impact was achieved where women realised that working in any field was in fact a possibility for them.

From then to date, ‘women’s work’ is no longer defined in a category that lies between the kitchen and giving birth to healthy bouncy babies.

Today,  women can do about anything they set their minds to, whether it be making babies to being presidents of nations- the likes of Philippines Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo and Liberia’s first African woman president Ellen Johnson Sirleaf.

With unlimited and broad opportunity spectrums like these, women have to choose which career suites them best as the ‘Perfect Hot Job.’

With Rwanda’s economy growing by the minute, the job market is beckoning more women to get out of the kitchen and take up challenging jobs. 

Jobs in management, business, and finance, occupations which are service related like sales and marketing and also support jobs like farming, forestry, installation, welding, maintenance, construction, and transportation.

For Gloria Kamanzi Uwizerwa, to own your own business company is the perfect job. Uwizerwa is a private business owner of ‘Glo Creations’- a private textile company,
"Being able to run your own business is the perfect job because any amount of money can be invested to produce real profits which eventually build stable business companies,” Uwizerwa said.

The young entrepreneur added that what she loves most about running a private business is that she can freely interact with customers, make new friends and get exposed to new development strategies.

However, not everyone is business minded. Some women just do not have the mind for business but are interested in jobs that are more interactive.

Nenette Dusabe is one such woman who loves her advertising and modeling job at Rosali Gicanda’s ‘ProMode’ Agency in Kigali. She is convinced there is no other better job for her.

"Advertising and modeling is in my blood. Sitting for a whole day in an office is just not my thing. Though there is nothing wrong with an office job, I prefer a more interactive and outdoors job,” Nenette said.

According to this young model, a job that enables her to travel around the world and get in touch with different cultures is the ‘Perfect Hot Job.’ She further challenges other young Rwandan women to pursue and be passionate about their talents.

These are just a few examples of career opportunities that are open for women in Rwanda. However, not all Rwandan women can afford that clean and ‘Perfect Hot Job.’ Some have to toil and get dirty since it is a matter of survival for the fittest.

Odette Kwihangana is a construction worker who lives in Kabuga, a suburb in the outskirts of Kigali. She takes on any small construction jobs like making and repairing roads to building houses.

"Construction is not a job for men alone, even women can do it because I use the same energy when constructing just like when I am cultivating my gardens,” Kwihangana said.

Her love for construction is rooted in the fact that she has learnt new skills that have made it possible for her to look after her children.

Previously for Kwihangana, earning any cash meant waiting for the harvesting season.

Now that she can do both farming and construction she says her ‘Perfect Hot Job’ is construction because she has a steady cash flow which has changed her life. 

In Rwanda, most women are just like Kwihangana, however instead feigning alone for means of survival, they have government back up.

According to the Rwanda National Employment Policy, specific measures have been adopted to improve the employment situation of women.

In line with this the Government of Rwanda has supported women both technically and financially.

As a way of revitalising the current workforce, money has been injected into skills-building programs that will train women to take advantage and invest in earn-and-learn programs. 

These programmes consequently prepare women for the workforce where they can earn to provide for their basic daily needs and those of their families.

This has become the ultimate answer to the poverty problem in the country.

At the end of the day, the ‘Perfect Hot Job’, is limitless. It can be a job that you enjoy working at, a job that offers more time for family and friends or a high paying job.

What matters is that numerous opportunities are open for women who want to take their futures in their own hands with, sustaining and sustainable jobs-- a plus during the current economic crisis.