RALGA lays strategies on financial management

GASABO - The Rwanda Association of Local Government Authorities (RALGA) Wednesday met with the financial managers from all the 30 districts to discuss strategies through which resources can be well collected, managed and distributed.

Sunday, March 01, 2009
Claudine Nyinawagaga, Gasabo Mayor.

GASABO - The Rwanda Association of Local Government Authorities (RALGA) Wednesday met with the financial managers from all the 30 districts to discuss strategies through which resources can be well collected, managed and distributed.

The two day meeting which was held, in Kigali, at Alpha Palace Hotel also marked the launch of the Local Finance Managers Network which is tasked with regulating the financial undertakings in RALGA.

During her opening speech, the Mayor of Gasabo District who is also the president of the Economic Commission in RALGA, Claudine Nyinawagaga, challenged the financial managers to exhibit integrity and patriotism.

Through exercising proper accountability; in budgeting, planning and reporting, as the only way through which local governments will develop.

"The field of financial management as a matter of fact, needs to be stepped up in local authorities and this principally starts from upgrading your styles and attitude towards work,” challenged Nyinawagaga.

Among other issues tackled was the role played by RALGA in the Fiscal and Financial Decentralization Policy (FDP), reviewing how the policy has been implemented at the lower levels and sharing ideas on how to overcome the challenges faced as well as strategies through which it can impact resource mobilization and distribution.

Also discussed was the mode of taxation, what i to be taxed and where the revenues are supposed to be channeled and distributed for the particular purposes as required by the law.

Nyinawagaga also conceded that some cases of corrupt local government officials emerged in the recent past, especially in awarding tenders. She however vowed to fight such vices that tarnish the name of local government and RALGA as an institution.

The members also discussed the draft of the law on the procedures applicable to taxes transferable to the districts, which regulate the distribution of all revenues. She called upon officials in financial management positions to have a clear vision and proper planning for the resources.

The local finance committees are expected to have a procurement officer, accountant, budget officer, tax auditor, logistics officer and an internal auditor, in order to streamline accountability and proper financial reporting. 
