On the grapevine: Search for Star On

If you claim to be a star, listen up now! Latest from our local entertainment industry is that, a search for best star is on and is scheduled for early March. The search will be conducted through all radio stations, where callers will be given opportunity to select names of their best artists. Later, a final nomination will be done by the event’s committee to choose and announce the star

Saturday, February 28, 2009
Austin Luwanotenya.

If you claim to be a star, listen up now! Latest from our local entertainment industry is that, a search for best star is on and is scheduled for early March.

The search will be conducted through all radio stations, where callers will be given opportunity to select names of their best artists. Later, a final nomination will be done by the event’s committee to choose and announce the star.

Meanwhile, it’s buzzed that City Radio’s Austin Luwanotenya is the brain behind it all, and that he has already started contacting people who will be on the committee. The star will walk away with a pricey prize.

To those who do recognize him, Luwanotenya is the man who introduced the Afri-connection night, which recently attracted hundreds of people at Passadena’s Atmosphere club.

Dr. Claude for Nairobi

Should we nod our heads and say Rwanda’s music industry is getting to a better level? This really is topical! Last week we reported that Frank Joe is in Mombassa working on his new album.

And now we hear Dr. Claude is heading for Nairobi, Kenya to record his new video, which will also include his famous hit ‘Igikara’.

Meanwhile, snoops revealed that the star has been undercover since his famous hit Igikara captured the local radio stations.

The controversial song which provoked re-bound hit from his rivals, we hear, also almost forced him to quit the industry, hadn’t it been for his music passion and friends who encouraged him to be brave and stay on. 

Later, Jean Claude Iyamuremye, a.k.a Dr.Claude announced that he has never been threatened by low-achievers, and was ready to develop his profession. He also promised to hammer his rivals with hotter hits! Could he be fanning the embers from Nairobi?
