Get inspired: Learn to forgive

Martin Luther King once said that lack of forgiving is like taking a glass of poison waiting for your enemies to die. He adds, ‘Forgiveness is not an occasional act, it is a constant attitude.’ In life, as we relate with one another, there are people who cause us great pain and grief. Such people leave unbelievable wounds which we think will never heal.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

Martin Luther King once said that lack of forgiving is like taking a glass of poison waiting for your enemies to die. He adds, ‘Forgiveness is not an occasional act, it is a constant attitude.’

In life, as we relate with one another, there are people who cause us great pain and grief. Such people leave unbelievable wounds which we think will never heal.

My dear friend, I do understand what you are passing through, but one thing I would like to tell you is that in life there are certain things we have to let go for our own benefit.

Keeping grudges or hate is not the solution. Better to ask God the grace to forgive people who caused great pain and hurt in your life.

Some of these people who hurt you may not be around at least to say sorry for what they did, if they can take that courage any way. It is your own benefit to freely forgive and release people who have ever hurt you, right from the bottom of your heart.

Forgiveness is for your own benefit, it is the only medicine that can keep your minds free from anxieties and negative thoughts.

Lack of forgiveness is set back to achieving future ambitions. In his book ‘WHY FORGIVE?’ Johann Christoph Arnold says that Forgiveness is a catalyst creating the atmosphere necessary for a fresh start and new beginning…

With forgiveness as Arnold says, indeed you can have a new start of life. Forgiving people who did you wrong is a very hard thing to do, but nevertheless possible and definitely fruitful.

However, Arnold says that the act of forgiveness carries a lot of power. It is an assertion of one’s dignity to have the means and ability to forgive.       

Better flee from the anxiety and hurt people caused in your dear life by freely releasing them from your heart without expecting any feed back. Just do it for your own peace of mind.              

Like Pastor T.D Jakes says, let it go.
