The Hater: I hate people who…

…misbehave when their bosses are away. This irritating trend is quite prevalent among drivers and house helps. The moment the boss has been dropped off at the office, the driver blasts the car’s stereo and will easily spew all kinds of expletives to the pedestrians before trying to knock them down!

Friday, February 27, 2009

…misbehave when their bosses are away.

This irritating trend is quite prevalent among drivers and house helps. The moment the boss has been dropped off at the office, the driver blasts the car’s stereo and will easily spew all kinds of expletives to the pedestrians before trying to knock them down!

Meanwhile the house help will be blasting the music so loud and jumping on the sofas like there is no tomorrow. The secretary will by this time have moved over to the boss’ chair and is so happy to tell visitors how the boss is not around and asking you that rude "What did you want him for?” question. Such people need to be fired for their pretence and hypocrisy.

…give very long speeches compelling their audience to sleep in the process. 

He is now retired and there is no reason you should try being like him. I am talking about Fidel Castro who made himself a name by giving eight hour speeches till he started collapsing while at it.

I hate fellows that give very long speeches as if to test our patience. Such folks love to start with that vague line, "Ah today is not a day for speeches” then go on and on talking more and more but saying less and less. They cannot stop before seeing a few jaws going wide open in a dramatic yawning frenzy.

…workers that spend time on the phone instead of attending to clients.

Well it could be a great ego boost for you own a replica Nokia N70 phone simply because the Chinese have proved so good at forging the same. However, you need to remember that you also have a job to do.

I do not enjoy spending hours listening to your hair saloon gossip tales as I wait to be attended to. Receptionists with this habit need to be fired with immediate effect.

You are the same people giving Rwanda a bad reputation as far as customer care is concerned. You should stop this lousy habit immediately because next time I will steal your cheap phone and also report you to your boss.   

…cough or sneeze without covering their mouths.

If I had my way, I would have this whole paragraph in a huge font size just to show you how much I hate these people. People like Bill Gates have given away a lot of their money to help the government to fight diseases and you are busy spreading them. Do we really have to suffer from your diseases too?

It is only decent for you to cover your mouth not only to protect us from your diseases but also to conceal your ill manners while in public. I am trying to consult with the city council to see how we can deal with such uncouth fellows.

…drive irresponsibly after a heavy down pour.

The rains are here of late and unfortunately the hater has still not saved enough money to acquire an automobile. This however is not reason enough for you to ride roughly and splash that dirty rain water on my long serving jean pants.

Your car surely has functioning breaks and therefore you can slow down when approaching an area with a puddle of water. Do this one more time and I will put your number plates here for all the readers to know who in this area lacks manners. 

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