Urusaro Film Festival returns, celebrates women in cinema
Sunday, June 02, 2024
SHAME OF PUBERTY is among films to be presented at URUSARO International Women Film Festival in Kigali Rwanda.

Urusaro International Women Film Festival is not just a celebration of cinematic artistry as it also shows how strong and determined women are in the film industry, said Jackline Murekeyisoni Chairperson of CinéFEMMES Rwanda.

Murekeyisoni was speaking to the press while officially launching the 8th edition of the festival on Saturday, June 01.

ALSO READ: Watch your favourite movies by women at Urusaro Film Festival

While the film industry was dominated by men back in the days, Murekeyisoni commended women who defied the odds to join the sector and went on to thrive and their works continue to conquer the industry recently.

"So far we have seen the change, in the past we could only see men directing movies, but now that is different, we also have directors who are women in the industry,” Murekeyisoni said.

"Women should not wait for male producers to hire them for roles, if a woman has a good idea, she should pursue it and go for her own projects and direct them. This festival will continue to celebrate women’s achievements while also empowering more women," she added.

The 2024 festival edition boasts an impressive lineup of 95 films, with 33 directed by women and 26 by men. Among them are 24 captivating Rwandan movies and short films, which will be screened at Mayaka Cinema hall in Nyamirambo, Kigali from June 3 through June 7.

ALSO READ: Women have a special place in Rwandan cinema, says film festival organiser

The festival will close at Kigali Century Cinema where outstanding filmmakers will be recognized.

The best long movie, for instance, will be awarded with Agaseke trophy, a prize which, according to Murekeyisoni, serves to inspire and motivate aspiring female filmmakers.

"It as a sign of encouraging other directors to pursue long movies instead of short films," she explained.

Kate Katabarwa, the festival director, emphasized the importance of amplifying women's works in the film industry. With the festival's expanded reach into developing countries across Asia, America, and Africa.

"The expansion to developing countries is to enrich the competition, this initiative will empower Rwandan women by equipping them with skills from international films, nurturing their confidence, abilities and opportunities to showcase their talent on a global stage.”

The festival's mission is about empowerment by providing a platform for both established and emerging female filmmakers. It also fosters a new generation of cinematic trailblazers.

Katabarwa said that it is through advocacy and mentorship that women are encouraged to take the reins of their own projects, confidently bringing their unique visions to life.