The Boys are back, hurrah!

Editor, It’s with open arms, and a sigh of relief, that I, along with the entire nation, welcome the returning troop’s home. Although the mission that they were sent to accomplish was of utmost importance, I am happy to see my brothers back home.

Thursday, February 26, 2009


It’s with open arms, and a sigh of relief, that I, along with the entire nation, welcome the returning troop’s home. Although the mission that they were sent to accomplish was of utmost importance, I am happy to see my brothers back home.

The jungles of the DRC aren’t a cakewalk at all. And the best part is that we’ve proven to the entire world that we were in Congo doing the very thing that we had agreed to- to repatriate and disarm the FDLR.

Many observers insinuated that Rwandan troops were in the Congo to loot and steal. Well, the leadership of Rwanda and the DRC is vindicated in its Umoja Wetu operation. Once again, bravo!
