Police urge against noise pollution
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Police Spokesperson CP John Bosco Kabera. Photo: File.

Life without celebrations would be horrible. However, celebrations should take into account policies, discipline of life and rights of other citizens.

Rwanda National Police (RNP) has therefore appealed to owners of bars, churches and those intending to hold music shows, overnight prayers and other leisure events in this festive season to regulate their sound to "avoid noise nuisance.”

"The loudspeakers, prayers and public assemblies are all part of celebrations in this festive period, but these festivities must not be at the cost of other people’s beliefs and rights… those who want to enjoy in quiet places like homes,” Commissioner of Police (CP) John Bosco Kabera, RNP spokesperson said.

He further urged those intending to hold entertainment shows to operate in designated places and within specified time, and to act in ways that will not affect the well-being of neighbouring communities.

According to National Noise Pollution Guidelines, noise pollution is defined as the level of disturbance or excessive noise that may harm the activity or balance of human or animal life.

A low sound is pleasant whereas a loud one is unpleasant and is commonly referred to as ‘noise’. Noise can be also defined as unpleasant and unwanted sound.

Noise pollution, according to National Noise Pollution Guidelines, is determined when sound goes beyond 80 decibel (db). Decibel is the unit through which noise is measured and sound becomes "physically painful” when it goes beyond 80db.

Often neglected, noise pollution adversely affects the human being leading to irritation, loss of concentration, loss of hearing, sleeping disorder among other ill effects.

"People have different ways of enjoying and celebrating but it should be done in consideration of others’ beliefs and rights, no one should affect the peace of mind and invade the privacy of other people who want to sleep, enjoy in a quiet environment or engage in other productive activities without being affected by noise or noise nuisance,” CP Kabera said.

The law No. 48/2018 of 13/08/2018 on environment in its article 53, states that; "Without prejudice to the provisions of the law determining offences and penalties in general, any person who causes noise pollution is liable to an administrative fine of Rwf500, 000.”