Frw18m for Vision Nouvelle Jeunesse de Gisenyi

WESTERN PROVINCE GISENYI—The North-South Cooperation and Canadian-based Terre Sans Frontier have donated Frw18 million to Nouvelle Jeunesse de Gisenyi to be used to construct new schools.

Thursday, October 11, 2007


GISENYI—The North-South Cooperation and Canadian-based Terre Sans Frontier have donated Frw18 million to Nouvelle Jeunesse de Gisenyi to be used to construct new schools.

According to Priest Gabriel Rauzo, founder and chairman of Nouvelle Jeunesse, the school will freely teach reading and writing to the youth that did not get chance to go to school, thus helping Rwanda achieve its Vision 2020.

"We are so grateful for the aid provided by the Canadians,” coordinator Bosco Harerimana said.

"Besides the financial assistance, the team of fifteen Canadians spent two weeks here on the contraction site building the school. During the two weeks we shared experience and they strongly showed their desire to help Rwandans.”

Nouvelle Jeunesse de Gisenyi sensitizes youth HIV/Aids prevention by discouraging the use of drugs and "immoral activities.” The school also tries to bring both youth and ideas together through arts and crafts and athletic competitions.

"We have organized sports as well as music and drama competitions in which messages against sexually-transmitted diseases have been passed to youth,” Harerimana said.

The presence of the school, Harerimana believes, will help "many youth” to know how to read and write. Illiteracy has hit Rubavu district especially hard.

"The biggest number of the population in Rubavu is made up of the youth who are also the most energetic group of people that can contribute to the development of the county. That is why much attention should be given to them.”

Michael Brown, a Canadian participant in the programme said that the two weeks spent in the county was a memorable experience and much had been learned by both countries about each other’s culture.

Nouvelle Jeunesse de Gisenyi was created in 2005 by Father Gabriel Rauzo and has supported 3,200 youth. According to the founder, the association through support provided by various organizations has given 600 pigs to poor families in Rubavu district.

The construction of the new school has started and is expected to conclude by the end of this year to benefit youth in Gisenyi and the neighbouring sectors.
