Fashion show to help promote disability awareness this weekend
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
The event will be an eye opener as it celebrates people facing different disabilities. /Courtesy.

A different kind of fashion show featuring adaptive clothing and models with varying abilities designed to raise awareness of disability is set for this weekend. 

The event, running under the theme: "Scars to beauty marks and perception to perfection”, will be held on Sunday, December 15, at Kigali Serena Hotel.

The evening show, which will mainly showcase children’s latest collection, is the second of its kind that advocates for the inclusion of people with disabilities in the creative industry, especially fashion— following another one that was held at Kigali Conference and Exhibition Village early this month, and attracted fashion designers from the region and beyond.

It also seeks to instill appreciation and to prove that disability is not inability. The evening will bring together different local fashion houses and trained young models, who will showcase the latest trendies for children for the festive season. 

Speaking about the event, Fernando Kamugisha, the brains behind the fashion event, told The New Times: "We organised a pure children’s fashion runway because we believe children can play a major impact and their voice is strong enough to bring the change through raising awareness to the public to fight stigma against people with disabilities and instead welcome them to be part of this world of creative industry.” 

A young model during a runway session-courtesy

"We want to prove to the world that if children can show love to persons with disabilities, how about adults? We want to prove to the children that it’s not just standing there to look beautiful or handsome but it is beyond people celebrating your excellent catwalks,” he explained.

"We’re living in the world of inclusion and equality and we wanted to promote children with disabilities to prove that they can as well be the best in what they do. We want to promote talent and confidence of our children, and more so celebrate children with disabilities,” he added.

 As part of the show, models will be showcasing an array of fashions from local businesses.

The hope is for attendees "to be inspired and have fun, while supporting people with physical disabilities, skin disabilities such as albinos, mute, deaf and blind,” Kamugisha said.

"This is an important event because it showcases individuality, awareness, acceptance and seeing the beauty in everyone,” he added.

Children aged between 6-15 ages were selected to lead the runway at the event. They will be showcasing the best collections by aspiring and established local fashion designers including. Kipepeo fashion design and Rwanda Clothing.

"It’s also important because all of our models will be empowered and feel confident while strutting their stuff down the runway amongst a cheering audience,” Kamugisha explained.

Tickets will go for Rwf10, 000 (regular), Rwf20,000 (VIP), while children will be paying half of the prices for either ticket.