Stress relievers – common remedies

An informal survey was conducted among a cross section of Kigali residents to establish the various ways adapted to relieve stress. Following is the outcome of the “study”.Drive – Teta hits the road when her head gets all clogged up and needs clearing. ‘This was one of the main reasons I got a car as my first major investment’, she says, ‘so that anytime I need to relax, I just fill it up and drive.’ 

Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Sports is a good stress reliever.

An informal survey was conducted among a cross section of Kigali residents to establish the various ways adapted to relieve stress. Following is the outcome of the "study”.
Drive – Teta hits the road when her head gets all clogged up and needs clearing. 

‘This was one of the main reasons I got a car as my first major investment’, she says, ‘so that anytime I need to relax, I just fill it up and drive.’  For her, the destination is not as important as the journey and the relaxing effect the long drive does for her.

Beach – For Leandre and ‘his boys’, Gisenyi is what does it. ‘I don’t particularly like swimming, but just hanging out there has such a mellowing effect, it really rejuvenates me,’ he reveals. 

Indulge – ‘I just go out and just be!’.... ‘Be what?’ one may inquire, and to this, no particular answer is given.  The conclusion is that one does whatever they want (or can) without fear or measure.  So be it drinking, eating or smoking – as the time old Nike slogan said, they ‘Just do it.’

Dance – ‘When I’m all stressed out, I wear my dancing shoes and storm the dance floor’ confesses Nakayima. ‘The loud music, the movement and yes, even the sweat, just send my stress right back to wherever it came from’, she chides.

Sports – Tennis, football and swimming topped the list of preferred sporting activities. The interaction with team mates, the energy extended and overall enjoyment makes sports a worthy pass time for many.

Steam – ‘An hour long steam bath is not only a pleasure but a necessity,’ stresses Eginie, ‘the steam steams out any stress in every pore of my body, leaving me feeling fresh and rejuvenated. I also sleep much better after these sessions, enabling me to face the next day’s challenges very sober minded.’

Retreat – Some simply like to ‘get away from it all’. The ordinary mundane activities can be weary, so retreating into their homes or with relatives and friends offers a different scenery, and as they say, ‘a change is as good as a rest.’ And then ofcourse there is sex... enough said.
