Cabinet appoints new Prosecutor General
Friday, November 29, 2019
New Prosecutor General Aimable Havugiyaremye.

A cabinet meeting chaired by President Paul Kagame on Thursday appointed Aimable Havugiyaremye as Prosecutor General, replacing Jean-Bosco Mutangana who has held the docket for three years now.

Havugiyaremye has been the chairperson of the Law Reform Commission.

Also replaced was the Deputy Prosecutor General, where Angelique Habyarimana was appointed to replace Agnes Mukagashugi.

Another appointment in the judiciary is Valens Nkurunziza who was named Vice President of the Commercial High Court, Nkurunziza has previously served as an advisor to the Chief Justice.

The same meeting made a couple of changes in the diplomatic service, where Lt Gen Frank Mushyo Kamanzi was appointed as the new ambassador to Russia, taking over from Jeanne d’Arc Mujawamariya.

Kamanzi was until this year in May the Force Commander of the United Nations Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS) and before that he served as the Chief of Staff, Land Forces in Rwanda Defence Force.

Mujawamariya is now the Minister for Environment.

The changes in the diplomatic service also saw Ernest Rwamucyo, formerly the High Commissioner to India moved to Tokyo in a similar capacity and he will be replaced by Jacqueline Mukangira.

Mukangira at one time served as Rwanda’s ambassador to the Nordic Countries based in Sweden before she returned to the country and has since served in different capacities, including as Director General in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In Tokyo, Rwamucyo will replace Venantie Sebudandi.

The cabinet approved the Prime Minister’s orders; dismissing from public service Esther Batamuriza who has been Director of Administration and Finance in the Rwanda Cooperative Agency from Public Service due to gross misconduct and granting provisional release to Col. Dr. Etienne Uwimana, among others.