Munyuza briefs Police officers ahead of UNMISS deployment
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Inspector General of Police Dan Munyuza briefing Rwandan police officers set for peacekeeping mission in South Sudan. During the briefing that took place at the police headquarters in Kacyiru, Munyuza urged them to discharge their duty with professionalism.

The Inspector General of Police (IGP) Dan Munyuza, on November 26, urged Police officers set to be deployed under the UN Mission in South Sudan (UNMISS), to aim for "service excellence and maximum execution of their peacekeeping mandate."

The Formed Police Unit (FPU1-V) hybrid of 240 officers headed by Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Fabien Musinguzi, will be deployed in Malakal, South Sudan.

They will replace the same number (FPU1-IV) under the command of Assistant Commissioner of Police (ACP) Paul Gatambira, which was deployed in November last year for a one year peacekeeping mandate.

The hybrid is one of the three Rwanda FPU contingents deployed in South Sudan.

IGP Munyuza, while addressing the officers at the RNP General Headquarters in Kacyiru, said that the mission requires their acquired experience and professional training.

"You have been well trained and equipped. What remains is maximum execution of your duties; ensure alertness, effective communication, mandate execution, discipline, respect and teamwork. These are key factors that are indispensable to the task you are taking on," IGP Munyuza said.

He added: "Learning is continuous and it should continue even in your tour-of-duty. Cooperate, respect and learn from other peacekeepers’ policing experience. Take part in social activities and always remember that the wellbeing of the people under your protection comes first."

He further challenged them to maintain Rwandan values high, which comes with commitment, respect, discipline and professional conduct as well as respect for diversity.

Such missions, he observed, are at times challenging, which requires extra work and resilience adding that their actions should define the spirit of nationalism.

"If one person goes contrary to the set standards the image of the whole contingent, RNP and your country in general is tainted. So, in your conduct as an individual or section, be as professional as you can be. The least you can do is to hold the Rwandan flag where it is today,” the Police Chief said.

The contingent deployed in Malakal is charged with protection of civilians and their property especially in internally displaced camps, creating conducive conditions for the delivery of humanitarian assistance, monitoring and investigating human rights violations, and supporting the implementation of the peace agreement process, among others.