Kids’News: Know your rights

Every child is entitled to a family. Families play a great role in the development of a child. From our families we always get both formal and informal education. Informal education is where we learn from our parents about good morals and our history. 

Monday, February 23, 2009

Every child is entitled to a family. Families play a great role in the development of a child. From our families we always get both formal and informal education. Informal education is where we learn from our parents about good morals and our history. 

On the other hand, we get formal education from schools. This is with the help of our teachers and parents or guardians who take us to school. In families, children are not only entitled to education but also to good health and a right to play.

At home, children have a right to express their ideas to their parents, brothers or sisters. We all need affection, care and attention from our families.

When children disrespect parents and go out with wrong peer groups on the streets, they always miss out on the benefits spending time with their families.
