“Work without play…?”

Once upon a time there lived a beautiful little girl called Hannah. Hannah lived with her parents in a big farm near Remera. Her parents owned a herd of cows and a huge maize plantation.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Once upon a time there lived a beautiful little girl called Hannah. Hannah lived with her parents in a big farm near Remera. Her parents owned a herd of cows and a huge maize plantation.

Hannah tried as much as possible to help her parents with the farming work after school. So many people praised and admired her because of her handwork. She felt so proud that she began to push herself more. She worked harder and harder.

Eventually, Hannah stopped playing with her friends and spent more time working. She told her friends that she did not want to rest because that would be laziness. One day as Hannah was going to school she became so tired and decided to rest under a tree.

Soon she fell fast asleep. Later in the evening when other children were coming back from school, they found her under the same tree sleeping. They woke her up and Hannah could not  believe that she had missed a whole day of school.

She started crying and rushed home to explain to her mother. Her mother looked at her and was  really sad. She told Hannah to stop working so hard without relaxing and playing with other children.

That day Hannah learnt that even though working hard is very good, we all need to rest. It is okay to help our parents but once in a while we need playtime. Taking time out to play with other children is not laziness at all just as Hannah had mistaken.
