Farmer loses 120 animals at the hands of quack vet doctor
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
A livestock dealer checks out goats and sheep in Rwamagana market. Photo: File.

A livestock farmer in Nyagatare District, Sheikh Abdul Aziz Uwase, last Saturday lost 121 animals shortly after they were vaccinated by a quack veterinary doctor.

They include 62 goats and 59 sheep.

Uwase said it was not the first time to use the services of Alex Safari Kayinamura, whom Nyagatare district officials describe as a para-veterinarian.

It is suspected that he delivered an overdose while administering medication against leeches and tuberculosis.

The New Times has learnt that the man – who is now on the run after the incident – studied veterinary courses in secondary school but failed his school leaving examinations, and that he has been working as a para-veterinarian.

Stephen Rurangwa, Nyagatare Vice Mayor for Finance and Economic Development, said that the district had moved to advise farmers to work in groups so that in case they need veterinary services, the district can assign a licensed veterinarian to serve them.

He indicated that the district, which comprised of 14 sectors, has 13 vets who are part of its staff. But, he said that there are also private vets across the district.

Fabien Ngirinshuti, Nyagatare District Veterinary Officer, said that "a person who should provide vet services to farmers must have a licence from the Rwanda Council of Veterinary Doctors which they should show to their clients.” 

However, Uwase said that he did not ask the man about the veterinary service licence or credentials because he was used to seeing him working together with the sector veterinarian.

Meanwhile, the Sheikh said that he does not plan to sue the man. 

"I think what is most important is to start looking for more animals… Moreover, I accept the will of God,” he said.

Meanwhile, some of his neighbours had, by press time, chipped in and donated 15 goats.

"You can say I was lucky. Had the goats and sheep not died immediately, he was supposed to vaccinate my cows as well,” Uwase said with relief.

He has 28 cows.