SFB to affiliate to ‘African Business Schools’

Once admitted, SFB will join others like the Gordon Institute of Business School of Ghana, Lagos Business School, University of Dar es Salaam’s Faculty of Commerce and Management, among others. The School of Finance and Banking (SFB) has embarked on the process that will see it join the association of African Business Schools (AABS).

Monday, February 23, 2009

Once admitted, SFB will join others like the Gordon Institute of Business School of Ghana, Lagos Business School, University of Dar es Salaam’s Faculty of Commerce and Management, among others.

The School of Finance and Banking (SFB) has embarked on the process that will see it join the association of African Business Schools (AABS).

The association that brings together business schools is consisted of three categories of membership which include full institutional, associate institutional member and corporate member. 

The status of membership is granted for a period of three years subject to review based on the implementation of stated objectives.  

"We are not yet admitted as members because we are still working on the necessary requirements for one to become a member and it is a long process,” said Prof.

Erasmus Kaijage the school’s vice rector of academics and administration who also doubles as the AABS chairperson 

Among the objectives of the association is to promote excellence in business and management education in Africa, promote cooperation among business schools in curriculum and faculty development, research and quality improvement as well as promote high standards in management and business education.  

According to the criteria, the School of Finance and Banking has to have a minimum of 12 permanent, full-time faculty members with relevant post graduate degrees including at least six faculty members with PhDs, applicants must teach at least 500 hours in MBA.

When admitted, SFB will join member universities such as Gordon Institute of Business School of Ghana, Lagos Business School, University of Dar es Salaam’s Faculty of Commerce and Management, University of Nairobi’s School of Business and Wits Business school among others. 
