Bravo Umoja Wetu!

Editor, I’d like to take the opportunity to wish our brave troops all the best as they leave the DRC.

Monday, February 23, 2009


I’d like to take the opportunity to wish our brave troops all the best as they leave the DRC.

While I believe that the operation should have not been hindered by any type of time-frame; it is still with a sense of pride that I, and all patriotic Rwandans, receive our troops back home.

While maybe each and every FDLR solider might not have been disarmed and repatriated, I will boldly announce this operation a success.

If not only for the mere fact that many Rwandans have come back home but also for the fact that, former enemies, Rwanda and DR Congo, could have jointly decided to put aside their differences and worked together to fight against a common enemy.

That is the height of political maturity and I’d like to commend the leadership in both nations.
