ICTR information centre opened in Muhanga

SOUTHERN PROVINCE MUHANGA- Residents in Muhanga District will now access all necessary information and updates on the Arusha based-International Criminal Tribunal of Rwanda (ICTR).

Monday, February 23, 2009
Justice Hassan Bubacar Jallow, the ICTR Chief Prosecutor addressing delegates at Muhanga during the opening of the centre (Photo D.Sabiiti)


MUHANGA- Residents in Muhanga District will now access all necessary information and updates on the Arusha based-International Criminal Tribunal of Rwanda (ICTR).

Justice Hassan Bubacar Jallow, the ICTR Chief Prosecutor, Friday officially launched the Information and documentation centre in Muhanga.

Similar centres have already been opened in Gasabo and Nyamagabe District; and a total of ten centres will be opened country, in Gicumbi, Musanze, Rubavu, Karongi, Nyagatare, Ngoma and Rusizi districts.

The centres are jointly sponsored by the European Union, ICTR and the government of Rwanda (under the Umusanzu mu Bwiyunge project) and the entire project will cost an estimated $200,000 US dollars.

These centres are fully equipped with computers, internet and necessary information on the trials and other activities at the Tanzania-based court.
"This vigorous outreach programme is aimed at bringing the achievements and challenges of ICTR. The centres will effectively inform and sensitize Rwandans on the role of the tribunal in contributing towards unity and reconciliation in Rwanda,” said Jallow.

He acknowledged the outstanding efforts by the Rwandan government in attaining justice and stated that tribunal will work hard in ensuring that trials are transferred to Rwanda.

The ICTR is set to close its doors at the end of this year and Rwanda has been tipped to take over the remaining workload once it closes down.

The function was also attended by David Macrae, Head of European Union mission in Rwanda.

Macrae said that EU is interested in supporting the justice sector at all levels.

Roland Amoussouga, the ICTR Senior Legal Advisor urged Rwandans to take ownership of the tribunal’s achievements and the establishment of the centres is one of the tangible results to ensure free flow of information regarding the work of the UN Court.
