5000 soldiers to be demobilised

GASABO - The chairman of the Rwanda Demobilisation and Reintegration Commission (RDRC), Jean Sayinzoga, has said the commission will soon demobilise and reintegrate about five thousand people.

Monday, February 23, 2009

GASABO - The chairman of the Rwanda Demobilisation and Reintegration Commission (RDRC), Jean Sayinzoga, has said the commission will soon demobilise and reintegrate about five thousand people.

He made the announcement yesterday during a live televised town meeting at Telecom House. Sayinzoga said the number was not alarming because they had been trained to become a good and useful force for the country and the community in general.

"We want them to use their experience to develop themselves and build the country,” he said, adding that the commission helps demobilised people with vocational training skills that will help them after being integrated in the community.

"Demobilised people should not be considered as a threat, but a solution to the Rwandan society,” said Francis Musoni, the RDRC coordinator.

The commission explained that they have special treatment for people who became disabled while in service.

This, according to David Munyurangabo, a commissioner at RDRC, includes a monthly Rwf 50,000, a free residential and free transportation facilities when they use public means.

"The medical commission puts disabled people into categories and the first and second categories include the most affected,” Munyurangabo said.

Since its inception in 1997, the commission says it has so far demobilised and reintegrated over 60,000 people, including RDF officers and men, ex- FAR and former FDLR rebels.
