Presidential elections: First independent candidate Herman Manirareba faces signature hurdles
Saturday, May 25, 2024
Presidential candidate Manirareba Herman submits his presidential candidature to Oda Gasinzigwa , the Chairperson of the National Electoral Commission (NEC) on Friday, May 24. Courtesy

Herman Manirareba, 49, submitted his presidential candidature to the National Electoral Commission (NEC) on Friday, May 24, as the first independent presidential candidate.

However, Manirareba had not yet got the 600 signatures that are required by law from all the 30 districts of the country. He said he will endeavour to bring them before the May 30 deadline

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"It is not complicated to raise 600 signatures, and in one week that is remaining I will be able to collect the remaining half, as I already have more than 300 signatures,” he said.

"Some of the barriers were the general understanding of people who refuse to sign for you and some need us to make payments for their signatures, but I’m so sure by the deadline I will have submitted.”

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Manirareba who is unemployed said: "Some people can judge me physically and they think that I am not capable, but I am, and I can do a lot of things. To rule Rwanda successful, you must read a lot and understand the origin of the country which I know so well. I have read history and I understood it; I really know Rwanda.”

"I did not just wake up and come to submit. I carried out research about this for a long time, and I was aware of political parties. But I just wanted to do it on my own.”