Wedding chat: Transport

Transport is a very vital component while organising a wedding. This is something that has to be seriously handled in time. Here, I mean the cars that will transport the bride, the groom and their entourages. There should be someone in charge of the transport to ensure that first and foremost the vehicles are available and on time. That person should also ensure that the vehicles are well fuelled and clean.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Transport is a very vital component while organising a wedding. This is something that has to be seriously handled in time. Here, I mean the cars that will transport the bride, the groom and their entourages.

There should be someone in charge of the transport to ensure that first and foremost the vehicles are available and on time. That person should also ensure that the vehicles are well fuelled and clean.

In order to avoid embarrassment and delays, it is always good to ensure that the vehicles to be used during the weddings are in good condition and presentable.

A wedding car that is in a bad state could suffer a breakdown hence delaying the bride or groom and thus change the entire day’s schedule and irritate the guests.

As would be expected, priority is usually given to the bride and groom and their maids, etc. However, in most cases, there might be guests who might be close relatives but from distant parts of the country who might not have their own means of transport.

This might call for hiring buses or coasters or even omnibuses for them. This calls for proper coordination and timing of these hired vehicles.

Some drivers can be so disappointing as far as time management is concerned. Some could even want to make a quick buck in between ceremonies when they are not really needed but are supposed to be on standby.

It is prudent therefore to always insist on competent drivers who are time conscious and if need be hire just the vehicle and get your own drivers. 

Having in mind that a wedding is a once in a lifetime thing, you can go that extra mile to make your day unique. You could hire a limo, have a horse drawn carriage, have a fleet of Hammers…but keep in mind that it should all be within your budget.

We wouldn’t want your bank accounts to be in the red for years after your honeymoon. Just keep it simple, beautiful and fluid.
