Perfect Weekend…. with Intore Masamba

Born in Bujumbura, Burundi, Massamba developed a keen ear for music and rhythm at a tender age. Born to Athanase Sentore, a composer, musician and pioneer in teaching Rwandans in the Diaspora the traditional Kinyarwanda dance; Massamba grew up surrounded by music. He is also a song writer, singer, zitherist and dancer. A winner of two Music Awards (in Rwanda and South Africa), he has so far released five albums and four music videos.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Born in Bujumbura, Burundi, Massamba developed a keen ear for music and rhythm at a tender age. Born to Athanase Sentore, a composer, musician and pioneer in teaching Rwandans in the Diaspora the traditional Kinyarwanda dance; Massamba grew up surrounded by music.

He is also a song writer, singer, zitherist and dancer. A winner of two Music Awards (in Rwanda and South Africa), he has so far released five albums and four music videos. Below he gives us a glimpse of what constitutes his perfect weekend.

My weekends are about hanging out and having fun with my friends. I like to escape Kigali and head to the beaches of Gisenyi or Muhazi for some swimming.

It’s important for me to relax and kill any of the week’s stress. The week may be nerve wracking, by Friday it can feel like the whole world is coming to an end.

The weekend is about regaining the strength and energy I might have lost as a result of lengthy working hours. I like to start a new week when I am fresh after having enough relaxation.

If I am not at one of the beaches, I relax by hanging out with friends in fancy restaurants and pubs or listening to music (the traditional blues) at home.
