Relationships: Understand your spouse

Of all topics that humans deal with, relationships seem to be the hardest topics to understand. Why? Well, it seems that whenever you have to seek responses outside of yourself and your partner, you get so many conflicting answers from people. Some say to do this, others say to do that. Some say if he/she doesn’t say or do this, then he/she doesn’t love you.  Others say that’s simply not true.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Of all topics that humans deal with, relationships seem to be the hardest topics to understand. Why? Well, it seems that whenever you have to seek responses outside of yourself and your partner, you get so many conflicting answers from people.  Some say to do this, others say to do that. Some say if he/she doesn’t say or do this, then he/she doesn’t love you.  Others say that’s simply not true.

Recently, I got to discover that understanding is a key determinant to a relationship. There is simply nothing that one can trade understanding for in a relationship. Understanding can keep a relationship going.

While trust is important, understanding goes further because it will get couples through even the hardest of times. Trust and understanding may go hand in hand, but if we were to choose one, understanding would go the distance.

All relationships aim at working out and making each other happy, but how can you actually please someone you don’t understand? Knowing each other more is the reason why couples spend time in courtship. Infact love interests more if you know your lover pretty well.

Understanding refers to knowing someone’s character, their likes, what disappoints them. It goes as far as knowing what doesn’t please them about your character and therefore adjusting. Many give excuses that their spouses are unpredictable hence making the task difficult.

Yes, quickly understanding people depends on their character. Some people are reserved while others are friendly and outgoing. For our reserved friends, it’s a little complicated to understand them but character can’t hide forever. In this case, spend much time with your spouse.

The more they get used to you, the more they will open up. People are silent at times because they don’t have anyone around who understands and loves them the way they are. So if you prove to be ready to do so, then all will be fine.

When you understand someone, it will help you overcome their bad side by appreciating the positive things about them. No one is perfect so we should never dream of dating angels.

For instance, for a spouse with a short temper, you can reason out ways to cool the temper down. It might be through talking to them or avoiding them for a few minutes.

Understanding each other will make you appreciate your spouse more hence strengthening the bond of love. No one can stand losing an understanding lover.
