Umoja wetu operation need no time limit

Dear editor, The on going joint DRC- Rwanda operation against the FDLR should not be given a short time frame if it is to get the needed results.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Dear editor,

The on going joint DRC- Rwanda operation against the FDLR should not be given a short time frame if it is to get the needed results.

I would see it as useless, to go for a war and leave the battleground without finishing the mission. I have been hearing reports on radios like BBC, full of excitement about deadlines approaching vis-à-vis the Uganda, Rwanda and DRC joint operations.

The various operations are meant to serve the interest of these three countries; so why should anyone try to state unnecessary time limits, when he or she is not even party to the problems in question.

The West should allow Africans to solve their own problems, with little or no interference.
