UN gets it right

Editor, I am pleased to note that the UN has rightly acknowledged the work done so far by the Rwanda-DRC cooperation against FDLR rebels. They (UN) should however, go a mile further to give the two nation’s logistical support to help them finish their operation.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


I am pleased to note that the UN has rightly acknowledged the work done so far by the Rwanda-DRC cooperation against FDLR rebels. They (UN) should however, go a mile further to give the two nation’s logistical support to help them finish their operation.

Otherwise, the search going on at the UN headquarters for more soldiers to add onto the already huge 17000 troops in the Congo is futile.

Actually, the funds that UN is going to use in maintaining additional 3000 soldiers could be more meaningful if part of it was channelled to help the Umoja wetu operation.

The UN soldiers plus the DRC and Rwandan soldiers already on the ground make more than the number Ban Ki Moon is demanding.
