Local government to make EDPRS reports

EASTERN PROVINCE RWAMAGANA — Sector leaders should make reports on Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS) programmes after every three months, an official said.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


RWAMAGANA — Sector leaders should make reports on Economic Development and Poverty Reduction Strategy (EDPRS) programmes after every three months, an official said.
In an interview, the District Development Programmes Coordinator for Eastern Province, Jean-Marie Vianney Makombe, said this will help in assessing progress of poverty reduction programmes.

"District stakeholders and Joint Action Development Forum (JADF) at every district will be meeting every three months to asses the achievements and challenges of EDPRS and make a detailed report,” Makombe explained, adding that the Province has already met officials from districts to exchange views on how best to gather data.

The development comes months before the Ministry of Finance presents the 2008 report on the progress of EDPRS. He noted that reports from sectors will be more reliable since districts have always implemented several sectoral activities.

According to makombe reports from sectors will be harmonised at district level by all district units which will then hand the reports to the JADF - before being sent to the line ministry. The first reports could be compiled by March.

Before, reports on EDPRS programmes were made at national level by ministries. They could get reports from their respective local representatives, harmonise them and make a national report.

"But it is better this way, being made by those in charge of implementation, which is the local government. What we are doing now, Sectors have to give the reports on EDPRS to districts which forward them to the Province, before sending them to the Ministry,” Makombe said.

The EDPRS programme encompasses issues such as making interventions on sectors like Justice, good governance, economic development and social affairs.

The Eastern Province authorities want to implement all EDPRS goals by 2010 rather than 2012, the year set as the national target.
