RDB/ORTPN donates Laptops to Immigration

The Rwanda Immigration Office was last week boosted with ten Laptop computers from the Rwanda Development Board (RDB)/ Rwanda Office of Tourism and National Park (ORTPN).

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
From Left, Emmanuel Werabe and Jean Marie Rutimirwa receiving a laptop during the event yesterday (Photo / M Odeth)

The Rwanda Immigration Office was last week boosted with ten Laptop computers from the Rwanda Development Board (RDB)/ Rwanda Office of Tourism and National Park (ORTPN).

The equipment will be used to keep records on tourists entering the country.

Speaking at the handover event that took place at the Immigration and Emigration offices in Kacyiru, Jean Marie Rutimirwa, the Director of Administration and Finance in Immigration, expressed gratitude for this gesture saying it came in handy.

"These computers with an inbuilt programme called ‘Gate Keeper’ will help us to accurately track the number of Tourists who come to Rwanda and analyse the trends in the country’s tourism industry,” he explained.

He also noted that the laptops will speed up service delivery and accomplish tasks in time hence contributing to efficiency and effectiveness of their work.

In addition to the Laptops, ORTPN also delivered four Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) units and three Computer Servers in order to enhance partnership between the two organizations so as to promote the country’s tourism industry.

The initiative is part of the plan to maintain the status of the tourism sector as the leading foreign exchange earner in the country as was revealed by Emmanuel Werabe, the Executive Director in Charge of Tourism in RDB/ORTPN.

He commended the Immigration office for the good collaboration it has had with RDB /ORTPN, and called for enhanced partnership between the two bodies in order to promote the development of the industry.

He emphasized the need for good service delivery and good customer care which are essential in attracting tourists in the country.
