Three district officials arrested for graft

NORTHERN PROVINCE RULINDO – The Gicumbi Court of Higher Instance has handed three Rulindo district officials different jail terms for alleged embezzlement of funds meant for environmental conservation.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009


RULINDO – The Gicumbi Court of Higher Instance has handed three Rulindo district officials different jail terms for alleged embezzlement of funds meant for environmental conservation.

Augustin Habimana, the District director of planning, Celestin Kabera a contractor, who had won a tender to supply tree seeds and polythene bags, and Gerard Nikuze the district official in-charge of environment protection, were found guilty of swindling Rwf 32 million belonging to the National Environment Project (PAFOR), according to court records released on Monday. 

Habimana was handed a seven year jail term and was also ordered to pay a fine of one million francs, for abuse of office.

Court ruled that he acknowledged receipt of tree seeds and polythene bags from Kabera yet the items were not of the required quantities.

Kabera was subsequently sentenced to a five year imprisonment and also ordered to pay a fine of one million francs for bribing district officials in order to win the tender.

Habimana and Kabera were found guilty of two counts of embezzlement and bribery with intent to conceal evidence.

Nikuze got six months in jail and was ordered to pay a fine of Rwf 200,000 for receiving bribes from the purported supplier, a crime he admitted before court and begged for leniency.

The trio was immediately sent to Miyove government prison.

Meanwhile, the same court acquitted former district Executive Secretary Xaverine Mukamazimpaka, and Damascene Uburiyemuye of the same charges, for lack of sufficient evidence.
