Gone, ADRA’s achievements keep flourishing

WESTERN PROVINCE After five years of operation at Ngoma Mugonero, the Adventist Reproductive and Relief Agency (ADRA) a private voluntary agency has finally come to a close.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


After five years of operation at Ngoma Mugonero, the Adventist Reproductive and Relief Agency (ADRA) a private voluntary agency has finally come to a close.

Following its target goals—control and prevention of HIV/AIDS, Nutrition, income generation, community capacity building and gender and youth empowerment—it said it felt confident in its success.

"ADRA as well targeted helping women for they still seemed the marginalized in the society,” project manager Dr. Peter Isaboke said.

"This has worked out through different projects ADRA has helped them achieve.”

With aid from the Seventh Day Adventist church, these five years of ADRA’s operation in Gishyita, Mubuga, Twumba and Rwankuba of Karongi district.

With its theme ‘Changing the world, one life at a time’ ADRA has seen the construction and rehabilitation of Karora and Gatare health centres, as well as provide health equipment to the two centers in 2005.

In order to sensitize the masses about HIV/Aids and family planning, ADRA formed and facilitated anti-Aids youth association right from primary to institution level. Through the programme, issues and feelings are expressed through athletic competitions and drama.

"The Uruganda drama team gave me the courage to take a test and stay firm even though I am living with the virus,” says Anna Mukakayumba.

"She is among the HIV/Aids volunteers that the ADRA foundation has made to assist others admit their status and to have the urge of protecting others.

Groups of women courtesy of the organisation have as well been given goats in a bid to improve on rural poverty. Through their formed associations, they have managed farming and as well hold talks about family planning and other essential issues.

"These are very special people you should take very good care of because anyone at any time can contract HIV/Aids,” said. Dr Peter Isaboke.
