I love my culture: Views of Rwandan children

Chance Divine is my name, and I study at International Primary School. I am 10 years old in P.5. As a Rwandan, I love my culture because it helps me to understand where I come from and what real culture is.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Chance Divine is my name, and I study at International Primary School. I am 10 years old in P.5. As a Rwandan, I love my culture because it helps me to understand where I come from and what real culture is.

I am Sam Lubabere a pupil at Kimihurura Primary School. I am 7 years old in P.3. My parents have told me different things about the Rwandan culture. My parents have taught me most of the things I know about my heritage. My  father some times tells us to practice the dance after watching it on Television.

Dominique Ntwali is my name. I am 10 years, a pupil at E.P.A.K Primary School in P.3. I have not searched much about the Rwandan culture but I will when I grow-up. I have not even asked my parents or my teachers, but I will ask them so that I get to know more about my culture.

My name is Joy Nshuti of Sante Famille. I am 11 years old in P. 6. I mostly understand my culture through the cultural dance. I love my culture most when I watch the Ntore (cultural dancers) dancing at functions or on TV.

My name is Safiru Kwizera. I am 9 years old in P.3 at Lugando Primary School. My teacher tells us about our culture at school. I would also want to know more about it but when I told my parents about it, my father promised to take me for a tour at the museum.

I am called Delise Silvia and I am 8 years old. I am in P.3 at E.P.A.K Primary School. I understand my Rwandan culture through Arts and Crafts. Through pictures you can preserve your culture. My mother told me this and said Art and Crafts are reflections of the past and our culture.
