Know your rights

Did you know that, on February 21st, 2009 the world will be commemorating the International Mother Language Day?In Rwanda, our mother language is “Kinyarwanda”. Every child has a right to speak his or her mother language.

Monday, February 16, 2009

Did you know that, on February 21st, 2009 the world will be commemorating the International Mother Language Day?
In Rwanda, our mother language is "Kinyarwanda”. Every child has a right to speak his or her mother language.

Our mother language helps us to communicate easily to people who do not understand other official languages like English or French. If you do not know your mother tongue, today is the right time to start learning it. 

Our mother language helps us to discover our roots incase we travel to foreign places. It is an Identity that describes where different people come from.  

We learn our mother tongue from our families and homes. This is easy because everyone interacts with their parents, brothers and sisters. A mother tongue can also be leant from schools.

Many young people today, prefer speaking other foreign languages to their mother tongue. This is not bad, but is very important that you know your mother tongue too.
